Get Figgy With Us!

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Every month, Hard Knox Pizza puts in some extra time whipping up a creative and unique pizza for our monthly special. While most of our pizzas are the traditional recipes you all know and love, our special is our way of thinking outside of the box, showing off our culinary skills, and working with different local products.

The entire month of August, we will be “Getting Figgy With It!” This pizza starts with an olive oil and garlic base, then is layered with ricotta and an additional three cheese blend, followed by arugula washed in a honey/evoo/lemon blend, and topped with mission black figs and blue cheese. If that alone makes your mouth water, then get ready for the final ingredient! As soon as it comes out of the oven, we drizzle it with a maple and honey mix. This cornucopia of flavors is absolutely delicious.

Our Getting Figgy With It special was inspired by an Instagram post from a pizzeria on the west coast. After our initial inspiration, we created our own version and found ways to personalize it. One of our favorite things about our specials is getting to make them true Knoxville pizzas, by working with different local products. We worked hard to find local figs, but we were not able to. However, the special drizzle that puts the finishing touches on this pizza, is from Knoxville’s own Guzzle Hollow Gardens.

Before you ask… YES! You can get figgy at both our locations! Upon the opening of the Hardin Valley location, the same monthly specials will run at both restaurants. So grab your family and come on in, the August special is too good to miss!